5 Tactical Ways My Clients Have Used Microdosing to Better their Day to Day Lives

1: Removing 'what's next' syndrome

Once they’re in tune with their relationship to intuitive microdosing, clients employ this when they feel like they’re stuck on what to do next, whether it's contained in a project, or a general life question. They gain a sense of awareness and clarity of their current state while separating from an outcome, which in turn sparks that ‘next step’ to confidently take.

2: Speaking or presenting

For people nervous about public speaking or presenting, the present-moment awareness generated by microdosing helps them to not be overcome by anxiety in the moment. Even if there's no fear of public speaking, the empathy-enhancing nature of microdosing allows a quicker, easier connection to your audience. This is a popular use - I've seen CEO's of large corporations utilize this at high stakes meetings.

3: Achieving a physical flow state

A use-case that’s prevalent with both pro and amateur athletes. Flow states thrive in the present moment, & microdosing amplifies the ability to achieve & maintain a flow state. To paraphrase a client who is an athletic coach, "I was untouchable, people who always beat me before couldn't get anything past me. I had total awareness of where my body was in relation to the ball at all times."

4: Having difficult conversations

…and making them more impactful. Whether a relationship discussion or asking for a raise, the ability to pick up on empathy and connection - and respond accordingly - makes approaching and carrying out hard conversations easier.

Bonus: microdose before therapy and see the dots connect faster.

5: Creating the space to tune out, while 'tuning out'

Going on a hike or a walk to get some space is common, but it’s still hard to leave all the immediate travails of life behind. Clients report that microdosing helps make their walks more restorative by pushing their ‘worry thoughts’ out of the forefront. Same with getting into a seated meditative state, or a work-driven flow state.

As a microdosing coach, I’d love to help you use microdosing in your daily life as transformation agent. Reach out for a free consultation.


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