Hi. I’m Pheroze.
Psychic Medium.
Plant Medicine & Microdosing Guide.
I help people
Trust their inner-voice,
Kickstart stalled momentum, &
Unlock their intuition & creativity.
20+ years of corporate leadership and transformation strategy, deep experience as a professional musician, and a lifetime of energy connection uniquely positions me to help other ambitious individuals find and reignite their paths forward.
Certainly don’t work with me if you’re not interested in actual results and enjoying the journey along the way.
But if you are, book a reading, send me a note or saunter over to my DMs and let’s make it happen.
Want to learn more about me? Read on.

Only Got 60 Seconds?
I did my first psychic reading when I was 16, after a childhood of hanging out with spirit. In the time that’s passed, I’ve used my abilities as a psychic medium and expertise with plant medicine guidance to help individuals develop a trust-based relationship with their inner voice and self-expression.
My personal service as a Mazdan Magus draws from deep ancestral roots in Zoroastrianism to work with spirit, energy fields, universal consciousness, and natural forces for personal development and to maximize opportunities for wellbeing, success, and wisdom.
I have a really amazing spirit team, and I’m honored both spirit and people trust me with the work I do.
My work with people encompasses helping people of all ages to reconnect with joy, reform their relationship to mental health challenges including depression and ADHD, connect with their own ancestral guidance and loved ones who have crossed over, process grief, quell the anxiety faced at the end of life, and generally problem-solve, get unstuck, and develop momentum. I consider this all to be part of our creative growth; how we create and co-create our lives.
I have an alliance with spirit around healing and guidance, allowing them to reach the people they’d like to help on their journey. I also help spirit heal and transition on an ancestral and liminal level, sometimes taking the role of a psychopomp; someone who helps escort the deceased from the physical plane to the afterlife.
If this all sounds weird, well it is! 2-4 millennia ago this was referred to as ‘magic’. Maybe because David Copperfield didn’t exist yet, but I can’t be sure.
I work in-person and remotely with 1-1 and group clients in both casual and corporate settings. My background as a professional musician, corporate leader, and trauma-informed mental health advocate combines with my work in herbalism, plant medicine, energy reading, and intuitive capacity to create a unique, safe, and secure container for clients.
As an immigrant raised in India and the Middle East, I spent 20 years in NYC before settling in California’s central coast with my family.
I have been a signed recording artist, digital strategist, C-Suite executive, martial artist, won Best In Show at FHM magazine’s El Dia Del Mustache, and I’m quite sure I was NYC’s 16th ever pedicab driver.

Oh, So You Have 5 Minutes?
I am constantly drawn to the alchemy of creating things from thin air, and focused on constantly improving my ability to do so. Music, writing, energy work, and plant medicine have provided the canvasses for me to create within.
I signed to a record label (Century Media Records) with my death metal band, Scar Culture, when I was 20 and toured extensively until I quit to explore my creativity in more depth.
After a slew of necessarily off-the-books odd-jobs, including working at an elite dog spa, working security at rich kids parties, and being NYC’s 16th pedicab driver, I started working in video game distribution because the dude looking at resumes liked my music (thanks, Kevin!). When I was 25, I ran a major video game journalism and demo website.
After developing a bit of a rep for being a forerunner in digital trends (new media, if you were there) I moved over to marketing and digital strategy and ended up working in video games for 14 years, primarily at Nintendo and Atari.
I ran digital strategy for a major consultancy/agency for 5 years, and strategy at a mental health startup for 2 years. But, I mean, this kind of trite, badge-thrusting info is what LinkedIN is for, right? Connect with the hollow digital corpse that is my LInkedIN if you insist, but amongst the things you won’t see there is that my teams, and the people around me, were always my focus at these jobs. I try to make life better and easier for my teams.
While working for other companies is all well and great, my heart is in creating art.
I write songs, compose music, and currently have out 2 albums and 2 EPs under my own name. I’ve also played guitar and sang in various other bands and projects, but the most enjoyable one has been playing Freddie Mercury in NYC’s Most Handsome Queen Tribute band. NBC interviewed me about this, because I’m very good at being Freddie Mercury! Also, his cousin gave me orange juice when I was a kid, so it’s just destiny.
I’ve written 4 books and working on a 5th. Unpublished as of now. I’m seeking agent representation. Unlike my music, which I keep indie, my writing style is quite commercial and I have no plans to self-publish my fiction as of now.
I’m Zoroastrian, but not at all religious. I’m also not atheist or agnostic. Pragmatic spirituality, if that’s a thing, is my thing. How I approach my work, however, does draw heavily from my Zoroastrian lineage as Mazdan Magus, and I practice old magic to work with the abstract consciousness that connects us all. I’m a lifelong intuitive and spirit connector, which features heavily in my plant medicine and other work with people. I’m a Leo sun with Leo rising, and a Capricorn moon to mess all that exuberant Leo energy up. Capricorns be black-holing all over my sunshine! Just kidding, you’re great, I’m part you!
I was born in London and raised in India and Saudi Arabia. I’ve lived in the USA since 1993, 20 of those years in NYC. Currently, I live in Pacific Grove, CA, which is basically Monterey, CA but even more uncomfortably whitewashed. I was asked to be part of an advisory group to develop a DEI task force for the local government, so I tried, and will keep trying, to change that but my tolerance for the stubborn mindsets a prevalent in NIMBY communities benefitting almost exclusively from generational wealth is thin. It’s very pretty here, though, the air is wonderful and I’m right by the ocean. I’ve seen whales while walking around here! And whales DGAF about who’s in their backyard! Unless you’re Ahab!
Look, if I was by a roaring fire in the desert and Conan the Barbarian was seated next to me, when it came my turn to answer “what is best in life?” I would unequivocally declare: “TO WEAR TANK TOPS AND SHORTS EVERY DAMN DAY”. And I can do that, more or less, where I live. I’m not leaving.
In my 30s, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and, in my early 40’s, ADHD - which explained so much of what I experienced growing up - and some rare genetic condition where my body doesn’t produce enough CoQ10, so I take trendy supplements that Drs hawk on TV to maintain my health, which is fine right now thank you for asking.
I hold, or have held, certifications in psychedelics, strength coaching, mindfulness teaching, DEI consulting, bartending, and various martial arts styles. If I’m interested in something, I want to learn how to be great at it and, eventually, how to teach it to others. If I’m not interested in something I generally want it to leave me alone or die in a fire if it insists on bugging me. I discovered late-ish in life that this is ADHD at work. I briefly ran a Moon Knight blog around 2009-2011, and wished I had kept it going since, well, Marvel made a whole Moon Knight TV series and… profit?
I’ve worked really hard on holding kindness for how my brain’s wiring diverges from the expectational vestiges of the life I was raised to live.
I’m always working really hard on myself. And I’m so much better at not being hard on myself than I used to be.
And I work hard on helping others learn to treat themselves with respect and kindness and create the conditions so that others do the same.
Oh, and those twin babies I’m curling? They’re mine. Don’t worry, they are safe - I am world-class at baby curling. Please don’t ask me to curl your babies when you book your psychic reading or consult call, though.
Wait, You Possess Incalculable Time?
First, please send me your secrets. Second, what are you reading all this for? There’s so much Netflix HBO Cinemax… WTF it’s MAX now? That’s a name for a dog, not prestige TV… to be watched! With all that time-moolah you can go check out my journey work, microdosing guidance, courses, music, writing or just drop me a note or DM me on Instagram. While you’re at it, are you curious why I think you’re worth investing in?
For some, expecting a 3rd person litany of accomplishments written by a hairy PR person (A federally funded clinical study found PR people grow hair at a faster rate than others in marketing. HR, though? Hairless. The entire department. Science is nuts!) this may not be a ‘real’ bio. To those people I say, sure, I’ll have a ‘real’ bio up here at some point but not while there are so many other bios out there to be read for people that are unerringly boring. I am not rich enough - yet - to afford to be boring.
But if you’re considering becoming a client and rightfully need validation start with checking out my testimonials. I also have clients who have generously offered to speak with anyone considering working with me, so if you’d like that, let me know.
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