Microdosing Coaching Client Testimonials
“I was recommended to Pheroze from my therapists. I was in a spot in my mental health that was incredibly overwhelming in the negative sense. I found myself in a pattern of constant rumination over all the changes and specific traumas I went through in the last two years.
My goal was for the medicine to help change thought patterns, give my mind and body a break from constant rumination, and a lift from the depression I was in. Pheroze provided a safe space for me to talk about vulnerable and painful topics.
Pheroze is deeply empathetic and a very cognizant listener. I deeply appreciated his ability to be accessible. I had never taken any medicine like this before and he constantly provided incredible sources of information and knowledge that kept my anxiety or worries at bay. His response time was always very quick.
After my work with Pheroze, I can genuinely say I am in a completely different space than where I was when I first met him. The thoughts no longer overwhelm me and the medicine has helped me see my thoughts with more space and curiosity. I feel like the medicine has affected my social life, mental health, and even my professional life in a positive way. I knew absolutely nothing around microdosing or this kind of medicine before I started working with Pheroze.
For anyone who is hesitant or worried by trying something so new, I can say from experience that he is well educated. I think the work Pheroze is doing is life-changing and life saving.”
— Mica
“Pheroze introduced me to the practice of microdosing, with the goal of addressing the grief of losing my husband.
After a very informative introductory session, Pheroze guided me through my first microdosing day, staying with me patiently in person after I took the first capsule. In the following weeks, he spent an hour with me every week to discuss any reactions and guide me through the next session.
I feel so much more energetic and positive and Pheroze continues to monitor and guide my microdosing as I continue with my treatments. I have found Pheroze to be most knowledgeable and compassionate and would recommend his services to anyone interested in exploring microdosing.”
-Heidi F.
“This program took place during an incredibly challenging moment in life. When I signed up, I didn’t anticipate how many challenges I would be facing, or how hard they would be. I felt overwhelmed every day I felt overwhelmed every day and it felt like life was throwing all it could at me.
Pheroze, this group, and this program enabled me to consider life options and paths I’d never thought possible, and the openness to act on them.
I am so pleasantly surprised by the lasting impact, how much of a difference this has made in my day to day life, & how I view myself with respect to everyone I interact with. I have nothing but positive things to say.
To anyone on the fence about microdosing, the guidance and support Pheroze and his program provides is nothing short of transformational.”
—Microdosing Coaching Client
“Pheroze's course on microdosing was offered at a time that I needed some kind of change. My joy had been missing for over two years and I couldn't pinpoint why and where it had gone. Having never done anything like this I had hesitations, but talking with him before signing up eased my tension.
Once the course started, I realized the gift that was being presented to me and my fellow group members. I experienced an immediate comfort in sharing, learning, and working towards personal goals and learning about the history of the plant medicine and how that medicine can work for our minds and bodies. The group sessions were invaluable. I will absolutely keep in touch with my group members because they know a part of me that many don't.
Pheroze did a wonderful job guiding us through discussions and discoveries about ourselves. He guided with the ability to listen and connect. I never left a group feeling unheard or uncomfortable. I usually ended wishing we had more time. I have learned a lot about myself, my mind, my body, and the need to connect more with nature and the treasures that exist within nature for supporting our lives on this planet.”
— Lovey R.
“I’ve worked with the plant kingdom for 30 something years and with ethnobotany. Working with the group that Pheroze is guiding and gaining his support and experience was really genuinely important. It broadens your capacity to experience the whole process by reflecting mirror to mirror. There’s a relationship that opens up between you and Mother Earth because you are creating a relationship with a plant ally. Pheroze’s guidance throughout the microdosing course is really awesome and I would enjoy furthering my journey with him because it has been that kind of an opening - a venue - for me. Thank you, Pheroze!”
— Gwendolyn H. Barry, Founder: Daughters of Isis
“I had tried microdosing alone before, googling and even taking one of those recorded courses that are out there. It went ok, but it didn’t work theyway I thought it would. I decided to look for help and found Pheroze. I was impressed by the free information he provides on Instagram and decided to work with him. What a difference! His coaching and knowledge are incredible, but I what I love is that he teaches you how to do this for life, not just how much to take and when to take it. If you’re thinking about working with him, do it.”
— Microdosing Guidance Client
Guided Journey Client Testimonials
“Pheroze is a very special person with such a comfortable warmth to him. In my experience, I find some plant medicine guides to be somewhat bullish in their practice and communication. Pheroze does the opposite - he guides from a place of quiet confidence, wise patience and an optimistic chillness. He made me feel so seen and validated, but also like the current struggles of today already have their solution waiting for them. It's hard to explain, but easy to feel.
Throughout the process of consultation calls, follow ups, planning, dosing and integration - Pheroze was super communicative, open for my endless questions and worked with my timeline to create the perfect journey for me in the perfect timing. I started the process with him when I was about to decide on a few life events, in the middle of a very stressful time in my life. Circumstances changed and I was only able to do the journey 6 months later. Pheroze went above and beyond to accommodate, provide extra support and reassure me that he was here for me.
When my trip sitter met Pheroze for the pre-journey call, she told me that only when speaking to him did she get it and was so excited for me. Trying to explain a virtual plant medicine journey is quite tricky, but Pheroze explains it clearly and also provides extra surprises of support throughout the way. During the actual journey, I felt like I was in a support sandwich, in between my best friend next to me and Pheroze on the other side of the world, thinking of me. There's a certain mystic quality about plant medicine and I felt so lucky to experience Pheroze's guidance from the comfort of my bed, with my trip sitter adjusting and providing for whatever felt most aligned for me.
My trip sitter has experience in large plant medicine ceremonies and was taken by surprise how healing in this sort of container can look like - without the distraction of other's experience, even asking for someone to adjust the volume of the music to make sure it felt comfortable.
My intention for the journey was to process saying goodbye to a home of mine and the journey did just that - I felt like everything was perfect, a gift for me to experience, endless gratitude and pride in these chapters in my life. On the other side of the world Pheroze was having a vision of me biking through a field and a conversation with my higher self. I never told Pheroze that biking is a core value, activity and passion of mine, another testament to his skills as a psychic medium.
In the integration call, I told him I felt a bit sad and tired the next day. He validated this is normal and by the end of the conversation, I actually felt more excited for the move I was taking in my life and the necessary changes that would occur.
I am so grateful for Pheroze offering this truly unique way to experience plant medicine. He embeds spiritual practices, meditation, and really thoughtful gifts to elevate the sensory experience. I highly recommend working with Pheroze in whatever way feels most suitable for you.”
- Talya
“The choice to embark on a plant medicine journey was one I made with intention, and the choice to work with Pheroze as my journey guide proved to be the exact right path. Pheroze took great care to ensure that preparation for the journey was paved with deliberate presence and attunement to what I needed from the experience. There were several things that I wanted to focus on, including releasing some creative blocks, gaining insights into some difficult relationships, releasing generational patterns of injustice and trauma, as well as having an openness to whatever the medicine wanted to speak to me about. Pheroze handled all these things with mastery, exploring things with me in a spirit of invitation and curiosity.
On the day of the actual journey, it was clear to me during the entirety of the adventure (and it was most definitely an adventure!) that Pheroze was energetically present and tuning in to what was needed throughout… there was some heavy material that came through for me and the work we had done together in preparation sessions proved to be invaluable to me when I was working with the medicine.
The integration session was priceless. I feel so grateful for the downloads Pheroze shared with me and the ah-ha moments that came from unpacking the details of the journey with him. It’s now been a few weeks since, and I continue to lean into the insights gleaned from the experience, insights I truly don’t think I could have come to fully on my own without the powerful collaboration offered by Pheroze. Not only that, but I continue to gain further insight into all the things I brought into the experience and believe more will come of it in the weeks and months ahead. Deep gratitude to Pheroze, his guides, and my guides, and their willingness to assist me along my continued healing journey. What powerful and worthy work.”
- Gail M.
“I believe Pheroze’s superpower is listening, truly listening with an open mind and heart. In coaching in general, and especially for coaching through plant medicine journeys, this gift is invaluable. During our prep sessions he was able to intuitively pick up what I was putting down, even though I did not consciously drop the breadcrumbs. This intuitive understanding resulted in meaningful sessions, especially the integration session, and provided the foundation for a transcendent journey. The insights Pheroze shared allowed me to unlock a door I didn’t know existed. Though I still need to walk through the door, it is now open and visible with a path. Monumental.
As background, I have 25 years of experience with plant medicine and psychedelics in general. However, I have never embarked on a journey with intention and the timing was right. I worked with Pheroze through remote plant medicine navigation & integration. It was an enlightening experience and if this path is right for you, Pheroze is your guide!”
- Ron F.
“As a self-described "well seasoned psychonaut", I initially began my work with Pheroze thinking I knew what to expect. However, over the course of our extensive prep sessions, we managed to completely flip my usual script - which was just what I needed.
Pheroze gently and expertly helped me reorient to a much more rewarding journeying experience than I ever imagined on my own. His patience, focus and great care allowed me to reconnect with forgotten parts of myself that I buried deep within. I highly recommend working with Pheroze, whether you're an expert or just beginning.”
- Joe P.
“I wish everyone could go through what I went through with Pheroze. His way of listening and coaching made me feel comfortable and confident leading up to the experience. But it was the integration part that really blew me away. He shared intuitive insights and guided me in a way that felt like he had gone through the journey with me. I’m so grateful for his kindness and abilities.”
- Guided Journey Client

Creative Growth Testimonials
Ready to reclaim your sense of belonging?
Ways To Work With Me
Spirit Work
Learn how your spirit team supports your higher paths through life or connect with loved ones in a mediumship ceremony using my connection to spirit.
Plant Medicine Navigation & Integration
You’re contemplating a full psychedelic experience and wondering how to navigate it.
Microdosing Guidance
Expertly guided plant medicine-aided transformation that fits into your day to day life.