Persistent guidance leads to powerful transformation,
Plant Medicine Navigation & Integration
You’re contemplating a psychedelic experience and wondering how to navigate it.
You’ve heard that people who have undergone guided psychedelic experiences see remarkable improvements in their mental health, including depression and anxiety.
Or that people have experienced breakthroughs with their PTSD and trauma processing.
Or reawakened a sense of joy and creativity that they thought was lost.
Or gained the clarity to try that new endeavor, take that new path, embark on a more fulfilling and purposeful life journey, change their relationship with others and themselves…
But, friend, your worries are real.
Will I get the results I want?
How safe is this?
Will this mess with my prescriptions?
What if I have one of those bad trips I’ve heard about?
How long do mushroom trips last?
What will my friends and family think of me?
Will this clash with my therapy?
And, hey, just how much woo will be involved?
The good news is you’re thinking about the right things. And asking the right questions.
You’re not just jumping in because a friend said, it’s easy just take some shrooms and go walk in nature.
Sure that’s nice, and works for some people, but this stuff has been around since the birth of civilization, if not before, so if it was that easy to heal and transform the way you’re looking to and worthy of then we’d have a lot more ‘healed’ people walking around.
The better news? You’re at the right place for help.
I’m going to guess that this is the right time for you as well, we tend to have a way of intuiting when we need guidance, whether the desire for change is beating us over the head or not.
“As a self-described "well seasoned psychonaut", I initially began my work with Pheroze thinking I knew what to expect. However, over the course of our extensive prep sessions, we managed to completely flip my usual script - which was just what I needed. Pheroze gently and expertly helped me reorient to a much more rewarding journeying experience than I ever imagined on my own. His patience, focus and great care allowed me to reconnect with forgotten parts of myself that I buried deep within. I highly recommend working with Pheroze, whether you're an expert or just beginning.”
— Joe P.
My own journey with self-healing was tidal wave after wave of trying, falling, giving up, not giving up, trying…
Rinse. Repeat.
To be honest, I’m still trying. We all are. If you’re here, you haven’t given up and I’m already proud of you for that.
I’m fortunate that, to balance my struggles, I’ve had amazing mentors over the past few decades. Guides that helped me develop skills and understand parts of myself that perplexed me through my youth, leading me to a centered place where I am able to trust myself as my own best teacher.
At one point, though, that trust disappeared. And this happened well past a point where I thought hey I got this figured out. Doubt enveloped me. My ego felt shattered. To those looking in from the outside I had many wonderful aspects to my life, yet there was a giant part of me that was not only miserable but rejecting happiness. A large part of this was having spent so long with a ‘mask’ on in order to make a living that it seemed that I had nothing of value to offer without wearing that mask. My sense of self wasn’t guiding me, I believe there was part of me that was trying, but a blocked, conditioned part of me couldn’t listen and adapt as I once did.
Then, one day, a shift happened. I was walking to the gym. My misery was peaking in a business partnership and workouts would help momentarily take that down a notch or two. Still, I was covered in the combination of mad and melancholy that festers when we’re not balanced and fulfilled. I remember thinking, what happened? Where did I go? How do I find my way forward? Help! Help.
A word popped in my head: Mushrooms.
What the fuck did you say? I asked myself.
Mushrooms. Delivered with unqualified assertiveness.
For me?
For you to help others.
I got to the gym. As I worked out, I decided that this was silly. Mushrooms? I had taken mushrooms before. And I was well-trained and versed in all of the esoteric ways that mushrooms supposedly help people through. But, no, this was not it. I started my walk home.
I waited at a cross walk for a car to pass. As it passed I saw rows of mushroom stickers on its bumper. Eh, still no.
Within moments, a man I had never seen before and never seen since walked by and waved at me. I nodded back in my guarded city-boy way, then I looked at his sweatshirt emblazoned with a collage of brightly colored mushrooms. What the fuck?
Are you ready to get to work?
Ok, asshole, I’m listening.
Excitement welled through me, yet I remained reserved as is my wont. Over time, I learned everything I could about mushrooms and psychedelics that I didn’t already know. I absorbed traditional uses. I took courses designed for clinicians and therapists. I saw that my 20+ years of working with the intangible translated effortlessly to this new path and I found my pragmatism afforded me objectivity. I found my studies in herbalism and medicinal plants married well with this, my creative work and coaching practices even more so. My experience working as a trauma-informed facilitator and designing anti-racist programs enabled one of my core tenets: accessibility. And my years working at a high-level in the corporate world and all the blood, sweat, and tears put in as an artist and professional musician enabled me to meet a wide variety of people where they are. I worked with myself, then others, and finessed my processes, understanding, and knowledge.
I got my groove back, friends. I got to work, I put in the work. I can talk about how mushrooms helped me, sure. But the download I got was about helping others that are struggling, in a way that meets them - that meets you - as unique beings forging their own paths in this world.
Many roads lay ahead for you, and you deserve solid ground where your steps have been muddied.
“I wish everyone could go through what I went through with Pheroze. His style of listening and hands-on coaching made me feel comfortable and confident leading up to the experience. But it was the integration part that really blew me away. He shared insights and guided me in a way that felt like he had gone through the journey with me. I’m so grateful for his kindness and abilities.”
— Psychedelic Navigation & Integration Client

Guided Plant Medicine Journey Options
Consult Call
There’s a lot to consider with a guided journey. Let’s chat and cover any questions you may have.
In-Person Guided Journeys
✅ 4 Preparation Sessions (approximately 1 hour each)
✅ In-Person Guided Journey (Approximately 6-12 hours)
✅ In-Person Download, Integration, and Path-mapping Day (3-12 hours)
✅ 2 Additional Integration Sessions
✅ Email and text access to me throughout
Select between:
🦭 Monterey Area aka You Come To Me - (lodging and transport not provided)
✈️ Outside Monterey Area aka - I Come To You or We Meet In The Middle (does not include separately arranged lodging and transport fees)
Remote Guided Journeys
✅ 3 Virtual Preparation Sessions (approximately 1 hour each)
✅ Tripsitter Session (45 min)
✅ Remotely Guided Journey Day
✅ Download & Integration Session (2-4 hours)
✅ 1 Additional Integration Session
✅ Email and text access to me throughout

The In-Person Plant Medicine Navigation & Integration Process
Consult Call
We start here. After you reach out we’ll schedule an initial 60ish minute no-pressure call to ask questions, talk timeframe, and see if it’s a mutual fit for us to move on.
Intake Form
You’ll fill out a questionnaire that will provide us with the information to ensure it’s appropriate for us to move on. This form will include questions on medical history, prescriptions, background, your goals and so on. After I review it, I will reach out if I need any additional information or have any questions.
Pre-Experience Preparation
Throughout 4 coaching sessions, we will work through your blocks, mindset, goals, logistics, and any questions that come up. The aim is to make sure you’re as comfortable and prepared as possible, and that you are empowered with all the clarity you need for you journey. Preparation can be done virtually.
The Journey
This is the catalyst for the work you’ve done in preparation and the ‘awakener’ for the integration work to come.
My approach is both ceremonial and medicinal, with both aspects tailored to you specifically (one of the reasons we spend time working together beforehand). This is in-person and I will be with you throughout the entire journey and more. -
Download Day
We’ll spend the day after the journey downloading your experience, reviewing my notes, and mapping out paths that call to you based on your journey experience. This is the start of integration.
Over the course of 2 more post-experience coaching sessions, we will work to crystallize the transformative aspects of your experience. We’ll nurture what came up for you and develop your path to self-discovery and self-trust at a higher level than you’ve experienced before. This is a combination of reflection and action. This can be done virtually.
After we’ve completed the integration sessions, we’ll discuss options and resources for continued support should you feel called to it.
Ready to take a bold journey into your future?

One more thing:
I want to touch upon something that so often divides people in this work: The relationship between woo and science.
Unfortunately, for a field where the two harmonize so well I often see woo used as a shield so that things can appear mysterious and nothing has to be explained or justified. Likewise, science is often swung as a sword to rationalize things to the point of belittling people and actual results.
The problem with both of these hardline camps is this shifts the power of the experience to the practitioner, not the participant. This creates ‘gurus’ on both sides and, friend, the last thing anyone needs is one more guru.
You have the power in this. Not the facilitator, guide, practitioner. You.
You do not have to chant in a drum circle to see benefits. You do not have to lie down on a leather chaise as someone scribbles on a clipboard. If you want to do things this way, great! But there isn’t some secret power that is being unlocked either way.
We can respect traditions without appropriating cultures. We can respect science without the dogma of absolutism.
I believe in coincidences and messages. In luck and manifestation. These all exist and comprise much of our experiences.
Just remember that you hold the keys. The mushrooms and the guide may show you new places you never considered going, but you are the one driving. Remember the power you truly hold.
Do you want to reconnect with your own power?
Ways To Work With Me
Spirit Work
Learn how your spirit team supports your higher paths through life or connect with loved ones in a mediumship ceremony using my connection to spirit.
Plant Medicine Navigation & Integration
You’re contemplating a full psychedelic experience and wondering how to navigate it.
Microdosing Guidance
Expertly guided plant medicine-aided transformation that fits into your day to day life.
Learn More About Guided Journeys
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