Great change comes from distant visions.
Remote Plant Medicine Navigation & Integration
Have you been thinking about a guided plant medicine journey?
You’ve tried plant medicine before and, well, it was fun but the insights and healing aspects didn’t seem to stick.
Or you’ve always wanted to try a journey but never felt like you could do so safely and securely.
You explored your options and found that you don’t quite fit the mold for what’s out there. The jungle retreats seem pretty unsafe and exploitative. Clinical trials have too many hoops to jump through. Then there are ones that seem to be more community day-spa than deep healing. Oh, and there’s that group that meets monthly in a warehouse across town, which completely seems not-sketchy at all.
Everything seems so far away, inaccessible, and way out of any reasonable price range. $9K to travel to another country and lie down in a room of strangers while going through a time of extreme vulnerability? $6K to sit in a 10-person group ‘ceremony’ led by someone referred to only as ‘The Shaman’ who a cursory google search reveals is Bruce from Idaho, and where sitting in ‘ceremony’ means sitting after hours in a community theater basement?
I kinda jest, but not really. The fact is that, for something naturally widespread, a guided plant medicine journey is inaccessible to most. And, look, I haven’t even gotten to the racial and ideological gatekeeping inherent in modern psychedelic circles.
After working through how to make the powerful transformations inherent in a plant medicine journey accessible to more people, and then spending the better part of a year ironing out how it could all come together, I’m confidently able to offer a bridge to connect many more to the potential for a guided plant medicine journey.
As a medium, my capacity to remotely guide effective and impactful plant medicine journeys is the culmination of decades of specialized work.

What’s a Remote Guided Journey?
A remote guided journey is a plant medicine journey where all interaction between the guide and the journeyer is performed from separate locations. From the preparation, to the journey experience, and integration - everything is done virtually. This allows us to work together from anywhere in the world (that has good wifi and cell service). However, and this is important, the entire experience is still guided. This is not a ‘how to guide yourself’ experience, I am guiding you during your journey.

How Does a Remote Guided Journey Work?
The structure and integrity is similar to my In-Person Guided Journeys.
Here’s what’s the same:
🆓 We start with a consult to make sure everything is a fit.
📋 You fill out an intake form.
🧠 We do 3 preparation sessions which involve coaching, going over the physical prep, and guiding your mindset to a place where the journey will have the greatest impact.
🍄 You go through a guided journey experience.
📝 We have an in-depth 3-4 hour download and integration session the day after and an integration session 1-2 weeks later.
Here’s what’s different:
🧑🏽💻 Everything is done virtually.
🪑 You are required to have a trustworthy and safe trip-sitter.
📶 You are required to have good wifi and cell phone service.
📚 The trip-sitter will have documentation to review, and will meet with the both of us on a separate session before the journey.
🗒️ Instead of the all-day download and integration session and 3 additional virtual integration sessions, a remote journey has one 3-4 hour download and integration session the day after the journey and 1 integration session 1-2 weeks post journey.

What Happens On Journey Day?
We meet via a virtual face to face for an hour or two. During that time, we go over any last minute questions and ensure the environment is appropriate and safe before I hold ceremony. After ceremony, and once you’re in a good place, we’re going to get off the screens as you start the first part of your journey.
During the time we’re in ceremony, I will hold an energy connection with you. This is how I’ll stay connected and able to guide you during your journey. On my end I’ll be tapping into your journey and moving you along your path. I’ll also be gaining insights from your spirit guides and mine, as well as any other cross-dimensional beings that stop by to help out.
Your tripsitter is responsible for taking care of any physical assistance, ensuring the space remains safe, for responding to my check-ins and contacting me with any questions as they come up during the journey.

What’s an Energy Connection?
As an analogy, spiders use their webs to pick up on vibrations that warn them of impendent rain, heavy winds, and predators and alert them to prey. Think of all of us being connected by a strand of webbing to a larger web. I tap the strand that connects me and use the echoes of the vibration to find the strand that connects you. Then it’s a matter of staying open and connected, letting information run to me and shifting what I feel I need to for you.
This is something I’ve been doing even longer than I’ve been working with plant medicine. This is also how I do most of my guiding during in-person journeys as well. Doing this allows me access to open pathways to guide your experience through. This also allows me to gain insights for you that you may not be aware of, and you’ll get everything I see as notes during our integration session.
“The choice to embark on a plant medicine journey was one I made with intention, and the choice to work with Pheroze as my journey guide proved to be the exact right path. Pheroze took great care to ensure that preparation for the journey was paved with deliberate presence and attunement to what I needed from the experience. There were several things that I wanted to focus on, including releasing some creative blocks, gaining insights into some difficult relationships, releasing generational patterns of injustice and trauma, as well as having an openness to whatever the medicine wanted to speak to me about. Pheroze handled all these things with mastery, exploring things with me in a spirit of invitation and curiosity.
On the day of the actual journey, it was clear to me during the entirety of the adventure (and it was most definitely an adventure!) that Pheroze was energetically present and tuning in to what was needed throughout… there was some heavy material that came through for me and the work we had done together in preparation sessions proved to be invaluable to me when I was working with the medicine.
The integration session was priceless. I feel so grateful for the downloads Pheroze shared with me and the ah-ha moments that came from unpacking the details of the journey with him. It’s now been a few weeks since, and I continue to lean into the insights gleaned from the experience, insights I truly don’t think I could have come to fully on my own without the powerful collaboration offered by Pheroze. Not only that, but I continue to gain further insight into all the things I brought into the experience and believe more will come of it in the weeks and months ahead. Deep gratitude to Pheroze, his guides, and my guides, and their willingness to assist me along my continued healing journey. What powerful and worthy work.”
— Gail M.

What Happens If I Experience A ‘Bad Trip’?
While an acute, adverse psychological reaction to a classic hallucinogen, aka a ‘bad trip', can happen, they are rare with properly guided journeys, especially with how I approach them and the prep work we’re going to do. Significantly reducing the likelihood of a bad trip is one of the reasons we meet for a consult, you fill out an intake form with medical history, and we spend so much time working together before the journey.
Both you and your tripsitter will be well prepared on how to handle challenging moments if they come up. And I am available virtually. My only request is not to put me on a screen unless absolutely necessary. Not because I don’t like being on camera, but viewing screens and mirrors can actually propel an unnecessarily challenging moment for the journeyer, and if we hop on Zoom or Facetime, well that’s like a screen and a mirror in one.
As we’ll learn when we work together, challenging moments do not equal a bad trip. Challenging moments are very often what leads to healing insights and, sometimes, a breakthrough, and you’ll have the tools in place to ensure that’s the direction it goes.

Guided Plant Medicine Journey Options
Consult Call
There’s a lot to consider with a guided journey. Let’s chat and cover any questions you may have.
Remote Guided Journeys
✅ 3 Virtual Preparation Sessions (approximately 1 hour each)
✅ Tripsitter Session (45 min)
✅ Remotely Guided Journey Day
✅ Download & Integration Session (2-4 hours)
✅ 1 Additional Integration Session
✅ Email and text access to me throughout
In-Person Guided Journeys
✅ 4 Preparation Sessions (approximately 1 hour each)
✅ In-Person Guided Journey (Approximately 6-12 hours)
✅ In-Person Download, Integration, and Path-mapping Day (3-12 hours)
✅ 2 Additional Integration Sessions
✅ Email and text access to me throughout
Select between:
🦭 Monterey Area aka You Come To Me - (lodging and transport not provided)
✈️ Outside Monterey Area aka - I Come To You or We Meet In The Middle (does not include separately arranged lodging and transport fees)
“I wish everyone could go through what I went through with Pheroze. His style of listening and hands-on coaching made me feel comfortable and confident leading up to the experience. But it was the integration part that really blew me away. He shared insights and guided me in a way that felt like he had gone through the journey with me. I’m so grateful for his kindness and abilities.”
— Psychedelic Navigation & Integration Client

The Remote Plant Medicine Navigation & Integration Process
Consult Call
We start here. After you reach out we’ll schedule an initial 60ish minute no-pressure call to ask questions, talk timeframe, and see if it’s a mutual fit for us to move on.
Intake Form
You’ll fill out a questionnaire that will provide us with the information to ensure it’s appropriate for us to move on. This form will include questions on medical history, prescriptions, background, your goals and so on. After I review it, I will reach out if I need any additional information or have any questions.
Pre-Experience Preparation
Throughout 3 virtual coaching sessions, we will work through your blocks, mindset, goals, logistics, and any questions that come up. The aim is to make sure you’re as comfortable and prepared as possible, and that you are empowered with all the clarity you need for you journey. We’ll also take time to make sure your environment is set up well for your journey.
Tripsitter Preparation
Your tripsitter will meet with both of us in a separate session to go over their responsibilities and questions. They will also be provided with checklists to help them ensure everything is ready for journey day and learn how to be present yet non-intrusive during your journey.
The Journey
This is the catalyst for the work you’ve done in preparation and the ‘awakener’ for the integration work to come. We’ll meet and prep at the beginning of the day, and I will hold ceremony.
At this point your mindset will be in a healthy and receptive place for what your journey will teach you. -
Download & Integration Session
We’ll spend 3-4 hours together the day after the journey downloading your experience, reviewing my notes, and mapping out paths that call to you based on your journey experience. This is the start of integration, which we will continue in a separate session a couple of weeks later. We’ll also discuss options and resources for continued support should you feel called to it.
“I believe Pheroze’s superpower is listening, truly listening with an open mind and heart. In coaching in general, and especially for coaching through plant medicine journeys, this gift is invaluable. During our prep sessions he was able to intuitively pick up what I was putting down, even though I did not consciously drop the breadcrumbs. This intuitive understanding resulted in meaningful sessions, especially the integration session, and provided the foundation for a transcendent journey. The insights Pheroze shared allowed me to unlock a door I didn’t know existed. Though I still need to walk through the door, it is now open and visible with a path. Monumental.
As background, I have 25 years of experience with plant medicine and psychedelics in general. However, I have never embarked on a journey with intention and the timing was right. I worked with Pheroze through remote plant medicine navigation & integration. It was an enlightening experience and if this path is right for you, Pheroze is your guide!”
— Ron F.
Ready to take a bold journey into your future?

One more thing:
I want to touch upon something that so often divides people in this work: The relationship between woo and science.
Unfortunately, for a field where the two harmonize so well I often see woo used as a shield so that things can appear mysterious and nothing has to be explained or justified. Likewise, science is often swung as a sword to rationalize things to the point of belittling people and actual results.
The problem with both of these hardline camps is this shifts the power of the experience to the practitioner, not the participant. This creates ‘gurus’ on both sides and, friend, the last thing anyone needs is one more guru.
You have the power in this. Not the facilitator, guide, practitioner. You.
You do not have to chant in a drum circle to see benefits. You do not have to lie down on a leather chaise as someone scribbles on a clipboard. If you want to do things this way, great! But there isn’t some secret power that is being unlocked either way.
We can respect traditions without appropriating cultures. We can respect science without the dogma of absolutism.
I believe in coincidences and messages. In luck and manifestation. These all exist and comprise much of our experiences.
Just remember that you hold the keys. The mushrooms and the guide may show you new places you never considered going, but you are the one driving. Remember the power you truly hold.
Do you want to reconnect with your own power?
Ways To Work With Me
Spirit Work
Learn how your spirit team supports your higher paths through life or connect with loved ones in a mediumship ceremony using my connection to spirit.
Plant Medicine Navigation & Integration
You’re contemplating a full psychedelic experience and wondering how to navigate it.
Microdosing Guidance
Expertly guided plant medicine-aided transformation that fits into your day to day life.